Thursday, September 10, 2009


The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think respect is somewhat of a confusing subject when it comes to the teacher/student relationship. Should teachers work to earn respect from their students? Or are students supposed to immediately show respect to their teachers, because of their "social" status? If a teacher is disrespectful should a student still show respect? or vice versa?

Personally, I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote. I think the teacher should earn the respect of the student and in turn the student should reciprocate this respect. Like Emerson I also believe that it is the secret to education. This respect between student and teacher in turn creates a safe and comfortable environment where learning can take place.

One of my worst memories as a high schooler was my sophomore math class. I was in the "fast track" class with mostly geniuses (one of which I was not) and was struggling to keep up. My teacher, Mr. Mace, enjoyed the fact that he didn't really have to teach because the majority of the students in the class could teach themselves. I, on the other hand, could not teach myself - and one day proceeded to ask a question about the lesson. Mr. Mace turned to me and said, in front of the entire class, "you've got to be kidding, are you stupid?" I then replied, in shock, "no? I just need some clarification and thought you could help?" Mr. Mace, now realizing that he had actually sounded like a jerk replied, "alright, what would you like to go over..."

Although I know Mr. Mace felt badly for calling me stupid, I will never ever forget that moment in high school. At the time I was extremely embarrassed because I knew that I wasn't as smart as the other kids in the class - but now, as I look back - Mr. Mace was really the one who looked like an idiot when I ended the year with a 95%.

My senior year of high school I was taking calculus. My calc teacher's name was Mrs. Casey and she was inspirational. It was obvious that she was passionate about math, but she also truly cared about her students as individuals. Fall of my senior year one of my friends died in a car accident, it was a horrible event to go through and I was really struggling to cope with the tragedy. One day in class Mrs. Casey pulled me outside and asked me if I was doing alright. I explained what had happened. She then proceeded to talk to me for 15 minutes explaining that if I ever needed someone to talk I could stop by her room anytime. Knowing that my teacher respected me and cared about my well being was such a great feeling.

I think Aretha Franklin sums it up well when she sings, "r-e-s-p-e-c-t find out what it means to me." Respect does have different definitions for different people, different students, and as a teacher it is our responsibility to earn the respect of our students by showing them "a little respect."

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